Let's share our journeys in gardening, cooking, and our daily faith walk with our Creator, Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. Feel free to post respectful comments, questions, prayer requests, tips, and above all, words of encouragement related to these themes.
The Bible compares our lives to a garden, with God as the gardener, Jesus as the vine, and we are the branches. In the same way, the Word of God is likened to a seed, and our hearts to the soil. Our life's journey includes highs and lows, periods of pruning and fruitfulness, and times of drought and plenty, all of which we must navigate. Just as companion plants benefit from sharing shade, sunlight, and nutrients, we too should support and inspire each other to flourish in both our spiritual and natural lives.
As a novice gardener, I welcome all the gardening advice available and invite you to email pictures and videos that could both inquire and inspire!
Email: vineofgrace117@gmail.com
Shop: vineofgrace.com/