Goljufi Slovenija=Scammers world!
Here you can find people without integrity - scammers from Slovenia and the world! With name and surname!
Tu najdete ljudi brez integritete - goljufe iz Slovenije & sveta z imenom in priimkom.
Tako, ste v primeru, da katerega izmed njih spoznate, ga zaposlujete ali pričnete sodelovat z njim, veste, da je že nekoga oguljfal!
Če pa ste izkušeni mu priskočite na pomoč in mu pomagajte, da pogleda v svoje goljufije in restavrira svojo integriteto kajti le tako bo lahko zaživel srečno in človeka vredno življenje!
Here you can find people without integrity - fraudsters - scammers from Slovenia & the world, with first and last name.
So, if you meet one of them, hire him or start working with him, you know that he has already scammer or make a fraud to someone!
But if you are strong enough, then you can help him to look into his frauds and solve them - transform, because only by restoring integrity will be able to live a happy and human-worthy life!
Goljufi Slovenija=Scammers world!
Here you can find people without integrity - scammers from Slovenia and the world! With name and surname!
Tu najdete ljudi brez integritete - goljufe iz Slovenije & sveta z imenom in priimkom.
Tako, ste v primeru, da katerega izmed njih spoznate, ga zaposlujete ali pričnete sodelovat z njim, veste, da je že nekoga oguljfal!
Če pa ste izkušeni mu priskočite na pomoč in mu pomagajte, da pogleda v svoje goljufije in restavrira svojo integriteto kajti le tako bo lahko zaživel srečno in človeka vredno življenje!
Here you can find people without integrity - fraudsters - scammers from Slovenia & the world, with first and last name.
So, if you meet one of them, hire him or start working with him, you know that he has already scammer or make a fraud to someone!
But if you are strong enough, then you can help him to look into his frauds and solve them - transform, because only by restoring integrity will be able to live a happy and human-worthy life!