Contact 7300690167 / 8630873293
Any information on diseases and treatments
available in this video is intended for general
guidance only and must never be considered a
substitute for advice provide by a doctor.
although Saam Ayurveda take all reasonable care to
ensure that the contents of this video
are accurate and up-to-date,all information on it is
provided as is. Saam Ayurveda make no
waranties or representations of any kind concerning
the accuracy and suitability of the
information contained on this video. Saam Ayurveda
at any time and at it's sole discreation
may change or replace the information available on this video.
Contact 7300690167 / 8630873293
Any information on diseases and treatments
available in this video is intended for general
guidance only and must never be considered a
substitute for advice provide by a doctor.
although Saam Ayurveda take all reasonable care to
ensure that the contents of this video
are accurate and up-to-date,all information on it is
provided as is. Saam Ayurveda make no
waranties or representations of any kind concerning
the accuracy and suitability of the
information contained on this video. Saam Ayurveda
at any time and at it's sole discreation
may change or replace the information available on this video.