The purpose of this channel is to promote science and encourage RESEARCHERS and SCIENTISTS, who are newly admitted in the field of research. This channel might be very useful for those researchers who are interested in experimental science & technology, especially in Nanotechnology and Material science. This channel aims to explore the recent software knowledge for the analysis of structural and graphical concepts such as Origin Pro, FullProf software, Xpert High Score, GMS, ImageJ ZSimpWin, XPSPeakFit/CasaXPS, CrysTBox, Cspot program, Blender/BioRender/Mindthegraph, Gwayddion/Mountain9Pro and many more.
For Data Interpretation Charges Email me. The SAFETY of your data is our RESPONSIBILITY.
1. XRD, Rietveld Refinement Analysis, Design Crystal Structure, Calculate the Bond length & Angle and Electron Density Mapping.
2. Magnetic and Dielectric properties
3. XPS, Raman, UV, FTIR, EDX, FESEM, HRTEM, SAED Pattern and TEM
4. Induction heating study (Magnetic Hyperthermia Analysis)