Channel Avatar

Donna Abelon

None subscribers - no pronouns set

I am a mommy of 2 gorgeous kids and a wife to an awesome hub


I am a mommy of 2 gorgeous kids and a wife to an awesome hubby..add full time working vampire to the list....

You will most likely see me with left over make up, bed head and bathrobes since that is the easiest outfit to throw on nowadays especially when I’m staying home for the day. I’m still in the process of learning how to manage time better since I am some what of a procrastinator...that’s a lot of personal info..eeekkk!!!

I love to bake and sometimes cook., but mostly bake, when I have free time. My goal is to capture important moments with the family, so we we can look back at them in the future..
please come join me on my social media accounts:

IG- dee_abz

email -

See you all there!!

Please enjoy,like and subscribe!

Love lots,
Dee Abs