Welcome to my Coronavirus lockdown 2nd year project: Building a John Allen inspired Timesaver shunting puzzle N scale model train layout. For this goal I'll be using Fasttrack jigs to build the tracks and turnouts using the SCARM Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller to help design the layout, place the turnouts and test run the design with their simulator. 3D printing design is done on Sketchup Make. I'm using 2014 since it works offline. Still using my original 3D printer a RepRap Ormerod with plans to upgrade soon. I had designed and printed a number of N scale model freight cars some years ago. Now I've found a layout and project that fits my small Amsterdam apartment and my lockdown budget. One of these days I hope to return to the stage and doing Stand Up Comedy, but until then I'm hoping you will come by and share in this journey and offer any helpful suggestions and comments you may have! Thanks for watching! Socrates. Links: scarm.info, handlaidtrack.com, sketchup.com