My goal🇷🇴:1k❌️
Goal 1.5k❌️
Goal 2k❌️
Goal 5k❌️
Goal 7.5k❌️
Goal 10k❌️
Goal 15k❌️
Goal 20k❌️
About me:
My country:🇷🇴
-What I love the most to do: To play video games and create videos(sadly,after 4 months I will make more videos)🔥
-My fav snack: Ice cream🍨
-My favorite thing: Money💲💸💰
-My favorite game: Brawl stars🪙
-What I like the most at my channel and why I post videos?: (To prove to the big youtubers the motivation and the seminification from an small youtuber,and to show them we are humans and we are important as much as they are)🗿
-What I don't like:To see people not Liking & Subscribing to my channel😔…