in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
WE DID IT THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K SUBS I'm proud to call you guys friends and fans You guys mean the world to me our battle isn't over yet tho let's keep fighting for the next goal and the next until we get to our ultimate goal 100k Subs til Then keep it real guys love yall ❤️
P.S. Thank you, @OHMYGODTHEYKILLEDKENNY99 for being my 1k sub
6 - 0
Hey guys so I've been thinking I'm gonna start posting more dbl content as well so would you guys like to see me live and battle it out and fight viewers lemme know in the comments hope to battle you guys soon
7 - 0
Welp Legends fest is over here are my results (P.s I GOT EVERYONE😭🤣) Who'd you get tell me in the comments below!! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
5 - 5
Alright guys I've got some smash vids ready who u wanna see first? Vote in the comments as well see yall soon
-Kai vFx
4 - 0
Hey guys so I have been workin on a few vids and I want to know if in the next few days if you'd like to see a Db transition part 7 or a single db character edit lmk in the comments and in the poll
4 - 0
Hey guys I know I know I've been gone for awhile but I'm back now had a lot of adventures and trials to go through I went to comic con as Red hood and I got to meet James Murray recently just been goin through alot but now it's time I come back and thank you guys for keeping my channel afloat with your comments and everything I'm workin on something rn for yall Good things coming AND WE'RE ALMOST TO 1K Keep on liking and subbin Guys vFx is backkkkkk💪🏾😌 (And yes I play dbl join my discord if you wanna battle 😌)
4 - 1
Just a guy who loves editing
........and dragon ball
..........and Marvel
.........and anime
..........Annnnd Memes OK, so i'm your typical youtuber sue me