Hi! Sam "The Lung Plumber" here. Thanks for stopping by my Channel. I originally created and named this Channel "Bicycle Crossroads" with plans to make videos on bicycles, riding, and repairs... but there were already too many folks doing that very same thing. If that's what you're looking for, just check out the boys on GCN. They pretty much accomplished everything I had originally hoped (and done it better). Instead, I've gone a different route and simply made videos to help others with similar (or identical problems) we face every day. Inspired by other YouTube folks like "richpin06a", we've chosen to pay it back (or pay it forward), depending on how our videos are perceived. "Make the World Better" is what the Google folks have always pushed for, I'd like to honor that tradition. ^_^ [One of my viewers suggested I sign up for PayPal.Me, so here it is: www.paypal.me/samthelungplumber since I no longer monetize]