knock and the door shall be open ask and ye shall recieve. so many people struggle with the TRUTH but this is the TRUTH. JESUS HE said HE IS the way HE IS the TRUTH HE IS THE LIFE. so dont just follow a church a say some 5 second prayer and satrt drinking dont just read this message and forget pray without ceasing JESUS even said in matthew 5 they thats mourn SHALL be comforted so knock on that door if you want to be saved and he who over comes will inherit all things. i have a project on google docs read the whole thing its proof GOD is real and the entire TRUTH why you are here and what life is all about. this is no joke satan in the bible is descirded as a roaing lion seeking whom he may devour. so if JESUS is the TRUTH and you're stuggling with anything know that the sciriptures cannot be broken so seek HIM and really knock and ask overcome rev 2:17. beascue let me tell you. i went from not caring at all to seeing and knowing JESUS for with GOD all things are possible hav so faith