A FAMILY FRIENDLY Channel, I am Happily Married for 46 years, have 5 adult children and 6 grandchildren. I am a Treasure and Treasure Trash Hunting Metal Detectorist, I Hunt Parks, Fields, Yards and Beaches. I utilize a NOKTA MACRO LEGEND Metal Detector primarily, Eyes Ears and Magnets are important as well. I dig any type of Metal, I am especially fond of Gold, Silver, Titanium, Tungsten, Iridium, Bronze, Brass, Nickel, Zync, Maillechort, Argentan, Albata, Pewter, Niobium, Stainless Steel and Iron. I'm Luvin the Hunt! Come Hunt with me! If you have lost something I can possibly find it, LET'S HUNT!
Nokta Makro Service
Andy O'Neal (owner)
We Dig Metal Detectors
Profile Art work by instagram.com/characteralley?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
A FAMILY FRIENDLY Channel, I am Happily Married for 46 years, have 5 adult children and 6 grandchildren. I am a Treasure and Treasure Trash Hunting Metal Detectorist, I Hunt Parks, Fields, Yards and Beaches. I utilize a NOKTA MACRO LEGEND Metal Detector primarily, Eyes Ears and Magnets are important as well. I dig any type of Metal, I am especially fond of Gold, Silver, Titanium, Tungsten, Iridium, Bronze, Brass, Nickel, Zync, Maillechort, Argentan, Albata, Pewter, Niobium, Stainless Steel and Iron. I'm Luvin the Hunt! Come Hunt with me! If you have lost something I can possibly find it, LET'S HUNT!
Nokta Makro Service
Andy O'Neal (owner)
We Dig Metal Detectors
Profile Art work by instagram.com/characteralley?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=