This channel is permanently on hiatus since 2018. As of late 2022 I am alive and well; I just don't make ASMR anymore. Feel free to continue enjoying my catalogue.
I made mythologically twisted ASMR videos for relaxation and wonder.
Here are Three Fast Facts For Your Always Alliterative Amusement.
1. I live in Australia, and though I've never punched a kangaroo, I HAVE been bitten by a dingo. (Totally unrelated anecdote: around the full moon I always feel a bit weird and then black out and seem to lose days at a time and then when I come to there always seem to have been a surge in animal attacks in my area. Weird.)
2. Whenever I head over to YouTube, a voice in my head announces, "To the YouTubes!" as though I'm the vanguard of some important mission.
3. In 2016 I broke my wrist cutting a rug at the office Christmas party. That's a pretty respectable way to do it, if you ask me.