Greetings and welcome! This is a channel in constant evolution which has turned it into a channel of JEWELRY AND WIRING since recently but here you will not only find jewelry tutorials, I will also share with you my purchases of materials, plus size clothing, tips, stories and Let us think along the way, I hope and wish you to help me and encourage me to continue on this adventure and if you feel like it, introduce yourself in this small community where we also keep in touch with the Facebook group MOSTRANDO MUESTRAS (grupo interactivo)
You can also find me on Instagram as @mmuestras with a very diverse profile or as @penjerois, my exclusive profile for costume jewelery, on Facebook you can also find the corresponding pages MOSTRANDO MUESTRAS and PENJEROIS where I invite you to follow me.
Follow me and you will be up to date!
Thank you very much for being here, see you soon and everything, everything, everything is going well!