Welcome to Pyramid Energy. Starting it was divinely guided. I did not know what to expect and I moved forward with it, trusting the guidance I received and continue to.
Please know that everything I share here with you is as I experience it and to share it is a privilege to me.
You are on a deeply meaningful journey of life and I admire the openness with which you have decided to engage it.
I see you in love, in light and in darkness.
PERSONAL READINGS: Information on personal readings is in the description box of all of my most recent videos. You can also email me on pyramidenergy0@gmail.com
PYRAMID ENERGY PATREON SHOP, energy readings and healings are timeless: www.patreon.com/pyramidenergy/shop
INSTAGRAM: @pyramidenergywork
FACEBOOK COMMUNITY PAGE: web.facebook.com/groups/pyramidenergy0
TO GIVE: paypal.me/PyramidEnergy0
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