Harbor Soaring Society. Oldest AMA chartered model sailplane club in the United States. Flying site located in Fairview Park, Costa Mesa, California. We fly the first and third Saturdays of every month. Hours are 8:00 to 2:00, but most action takes place between 9:30 and 12:30. Starbucks coffee, water and doughnuts are free (while they last). Our "Free Flight" model activity takes place every Sunday (dependent on weather/wind). Free Flight operations take place about 200 feet east of the glider runway (adjacent to the parking lot)! We have club meetings on the second Tuesday of the month (see website for details). HSS also, is heavily involved with various types of "outreach" activities such as teaching aeronautics in local schools, City sponsored events, and other endeavors that benefit our community.
Please subscribe to our channel, join our club, or just visit and enjoy the beautiful outdoors in scenic Fairview Park! 😊 ✈️