Listening to the news can be a real challenge. By stringing together all of the horrors that humanity inflicts upon nature and upon itself, one starts wondering whether it wouldn't be best if humanity simply disappeared.
Who are we really? Are we a cancer or a kind of parasite? A disease that spreads across the planet, contaminating the land, decimating species, exploiting the mountains and polluting our air?
If so, perhaps climate change and the coronavirus are but manifestations of this planet's immune system, getting rid of this dangerous parasite, the human.
What if our self-hatred was at the root of our problems: a black mirror showing us all of the darkest sides of humanity while glossing over our highest potential for love, peace and compassion?
How can we step out of our self-hatred? How can we regain faith in humanity and love being human?
Perhaps it is time for a paradigm shift, a transformation of our worldview. The biggest challenge of our age is our self-hatred.