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Outdoor Happens Homestead

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We all live the homestead life. Homesteading isn’t easy, but


We all live the homestead life. Homesteading isn’t easy, but if we stick together, we can survive another day. That’s our aim. We help you with handy gardening and homesteading videos and articles. We’ve scoured the Earth for the most versatile group of homesteading writers. Our authors possess a remarkable variety of skills, and each has a passion they’re excited to share with the world.

But what about me, Elle Meager? I’m the founder of Outdoor Happens! I’m also your permaculture, survival garden, and edible plants chick. I live and work with my husband, Dan Meager. Dan is a qualified diesel fitter and expert mechanic who can fix (and reverse engineer) anything! He’s always tinkering with irrigation systems, compost, soil tests, and fertilizer formulations.

Want to know more about us and our diverse stable of homesteading writers? Visit us at our blog - We always appreciate your feedback – leave us a comment!