Creating content is no easy job. Thus taking it very seriously is necessary (which I can't right now). And the situation needs to be right for the right time
My time is not right and the situation is not right. This is because i have a very not so good time and no PC/Laptop to begin with. You may see me with a Laptop but that was YEARS ago. Today right now I DON'T. But don't worry i have plans, plans to buy a laptop and a new phone. Please wait as I'm trying to think of a content (High chance of it becoming War Thunder related). Hang on there, im coming
My activity currently : Discord, WTM (War Thunder Mobile), Roblox (quite rarely), and YT Music (That's as much as i can tell you).
Contact me on Discord : dynola.boris33
Play with me in WTM : DynolaTaken
Guide me through a great Roblox game :
Roblox : Display : Dynola
Username : bajajbajaj (dont ask me why that user)
And watch as I'm adding new music to my YT Music playlist! (Im referring to "Main Playlist")