Gaming has been one of our biggest passions in life which has carried us through some stressful times (and painful times from service connected injuries) throughout our lives. While in the United States Marine Corps, MaineiaC207 and I formed a bond to the point that when we were not working together, we were gaming together (our wives hated it). Post service, we stay connected through playing copious amounts of video games and is a way to stay in each-others lives.
We decided in November of 2019 we wanted to bring our love of games to the world and created BrokenBodyTV. We want to create fun, edited, and enjoyable content with our own personal splash of humor and interactions within YouTube. We are still learning the in's and out's of content creation, including editing. if you have any suggestions leave them in the comment section.
We really appreciate you checking us out and hope you decide to join us on this mission driven adventure.