There's something amazing about driving an old car you build and maintain yourself. I’ve been playing with old VWs for almost 30 years and dreamed about driving old cars for longer than that. I bought Dweezil in the mid 90’s and quickly became fascinated with their legendary engineering, the experience of working on them, and the feeling of driving an old car down the road. It’s what I want to do everyday and I know you do too. Together, I believe we can keep these beautiful machines on the road and celebrate the self-reliance of maintaining our own transportation. We’re going to build it and go. We’ll share the right techniques, approach, and reasons for what we do, how we do it, where we go, and why we must. We’ll even do it live at a few events along the way. There are a lot of great people in our circle of friends and I hope you’ll join us here at Haptic Garage.