Coding, ESP Arduino, 3D printing, Cycling, fixing things, electronics, home automation, Radio control. All things that I do that I enjoy. I am creative and would like to share my new journey.
This channel all started around the small temp and humid sensor, shown on the channel art. Cheap from China with no documentation and a load of downloadable files. I could not use or understand how to use the files, i am used to the Arduino IDE. So I went able figuring it out. It did not help that the PCB board is wired up in a non standard way and the TEMP and HUMID sensor was dead on arrival.
I have two 3d printers a Creality 5 Plus and an Ultimaker2. I love using LEDs, The Max7219 LED matrix are great fun and cheap. Moving on to RGB matrixs and strings later. I have a few build RGB LED builds that I am working on. Time consuming creating the CAD designs, the software will be the easy part, I hope.