Hello friends far and wide - I have lurked on here for several years. Started watching fishfam videos and decided to crawl out from under my substrate and maybe try some videos . I am currently in the process of getting materials together to try some planted tanks - this is a slow process because to me, the research part is as much fun as the project part (I was a designer in a past phase of my life). Many of you out there have helped me out and inspired me with your videos - so thank you for that!
There may be the occasional gratuitous video starring my pair of indoor house rabbits, my gardens and stock tank pond, bird feeders, or the occasional non-fish (blasphemy! I know...) project here and there - you can close your eyes if you want :)
Nice to meet you! :)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/onefishtwofishroc
email me / mailing address requests: onefishtwofishROC@gmail.com - contact me via email to request a mailing address.
Hello friends far and wide - I have lurked on here for several years. Started watching fishfam videos and decided to crawl out from under my substrate and maybe try some videos . I am currently in the process of getting materials together to try some planted tanks - this is a slow process because to me, the research part is as much fun as the project part (I was a designer in a past phase of my life). Many of you out there have helped me out and inspired me with your videos - so thank you for that!
There may be the occasional gratuitous video starring my pair of indoor house rabbits, my gardens and stock tank pond, bird feeders, or the occasional non-fish (blasphemy! I know...) project here and there - you can close your eyes if you want :)
Nice to meet you! :)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/onefishtwofishroc
email me / mailing address requests: onefishtwofishROC@gmail.com - contact me via email to request a mailing address.