Koala Karity is a Twitch Channel that places Donations to Charities at the heart of its activity.
As a result, Koala Karity will donate multiple times a year with its own resources to support a cause.
And with the Affiliate status on Twitch, between 60% and 80% of all the Subs are being redirected and added on top of our Donation to the charities (it varies depending on the tier of the subs).
Koala Karity wants to (humbly) challenge how companies manage their resources, and how they redistribute wealth. And we want to prove that a business fuelled with Generosity can be successful.
Our Youtube Channel will host the highlights from our Live streams.
Koala Karity is a Twitch Channel that places Donations to Charities at the heart of its activity.
As a result, Koala Karity will donate multiple times a year with its own resources to support a cause.
And with the Affiliate status on Twitch, between 60% and 80% of all the Subs are being redirected and added on top of our Donation to the charities (it varies depending on the tier of the subs).
Koala Karity wants to (humbly) challenge how companies manage their resources, and how they redistribute wealth. And we want to prove that a business fuelled with Generosity can be successful.
Our Youtube Channel will host the highlights from our Live streams.