Free Schooling 24h shares contents related to English including daily Englishą„¤ Daily editorialsą„¤ Translation of daily Star editorialsą„¤ Short storiesą„¤ Translation of short storiesą„¤ English grammarą„¤ English vocabularyą„¤ English speakingą„¤ English listeningą„¤ English readingą„¤ Reading newspaperą„¤ Translation of international editorials.
I'm Obaydur Rahman obayed who graduated from Dhaka University, Department of International Relations. Now I'm creating contents how to improve your English, how to improve you daily English, how to read newspapers, how to translate daily editorials, how to translate any English, how to translate short stories, how to improve English vocabulary, how to learn English grammar and other issues related to English learning-oriented courses.
I highly recommend you those who are heartily interested to learning English, hearing English & reading English and conversing daily English.
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