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Sayurii amvs 力

470 subscribers - no pronouns :c

my name is sayuri I'm youtuber and gamer on twitch thank you


my name is sayuri I'm youtuber and gamer on twitch thank you very much for visiting my channel it is an honor to receive you here i thank you very much for the strength if you can subscribe to the channel and leave your like i thank you very much i live in brazil i am indian and 私は日本語で、I can speak little english spanish japanese and portuguese

私の名前はさゆりです。私のチャンネルにアクセスしていただきありがとうございます。ここでお迎えできて光栄です。チャンネルに登録して、あなたのように残していただければ、力に感謝します。ブラジルに住んでいます。インド人と私は日本語で、私は少し英語を話すことができますスペイン語日本語とポルトガル語 .

me chamo sayuri Sou youtuber e Gamer na twitch muito obrigado por visitar meu canal é uma honra receber você aqui agradeço muito pela força se puder se inscrever no canal e deixar o seu like eu agradeço muito moro no brasil sou indiana - japonesa quem quiser entrar em contato comigo para divulgação me mande dm no twitter ou instagram.

Instagram: @sayuriiqqamvs
Twitter: @ciumen7a
Twitch: Sayuriiimusic