JamilandJamila.com provides guilt-free, engaging parent-approved content that teaches beautiful character and morals to children 3 to 9 years of age. Our fun, high quality songs, stories, activity books, storybooks, picture books, quizzes and live events are available with unlimited access through a monthly or yearly subscription. We hope you enjoy our very popular previews on our YouTube channel. Please check out JamilandJamila.com as well! Jamil and Jamila is produced by Nayla Media, a children's production company in Toronto, Canada. Our creative team includes: Jawad Jafry, creator of the pioneering children’s series “Adam’s World"; acclaimed children's author Rukhsana Khan; terrific singers such as Irfan Makki, Nader Khan, Mustaqeem and Ilyas Mao; as well as the incredibly gifted storyteller and voice character artist, Hakim Dyer. Our network of colleagues includes educators, scholars, animators, illustrators and audio-video professionals in Canada and in cities around the world.