Whether you know it or not The Doctrine of Christ is the most important thing in your life. We are greatly honored to be able to present to you a YouTube channel wholly dedicated to the teachings of Jesus.
Our co host and producer for the new Doctrine of Christ Series is Gillyan Stone. We are very thankful to be working with her. We are no longer partnering with Jimmy Cooper in ministry. However I have not changed what I believe and I stand behind what I taught in those 160 episodes with Jimmy, and I confidently present them to you for your edification.
Whether you know it or not The Doctrine of Christ is the most important thing in your life. We are greatly honored to be able to present to you a YouTube channel wholly dedicated to the teachings of Jesus.
Our co host and producer for the new Doctrine of Christ Series is Gillyan Stone. We are very thankful to be working with her. We are no longer partnering with Jimmy Cooper in ministry. However I have not changed what I believe and I stand behind what I taught in those 160 episodes with Jimmy, and I confidently present them to you for your edification.