大家好,我是 阿平,熱愛電影與旅遊
Hello everyone, I am Aping. I love movies and travel.
頻道內容 Channel content:
大陸旅遊 China travel
電影點評 movie review
高鐵地鐵 High-speed rail and subway
影院商場 Cinemas and shopping malls
摩天大樓 Appreciation of skyscrapers
基建狂魔 China’s infrastructure madman
城市步行 city walking video
歷史博覽 Visit to historical memorial hall
古蹟風光 Tourism to historical sites and attractions
飯店體驗 hotel experience
家庭影院 Home theater experience
藍光收藏 Blu-ray disc collection
科技產品 Technology product unboxing and experience
美食小吃 Gourmet snacks
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