"To the God of the Eclipsing Tendency, The slave who serves the same tastes again. "As long as you're satisfied. I don't care how I feel!"" property=twitter:description>
<Obsolete Meat> "My voice will be suppressed, disappear without a trace. It can be a fetter on the waiter. No matter how much thought you put into it, it's as good as trash from the other side." <Obsolete Meat> "To the God of the Eclipsing Tendency, The slave who serves the same tastes again. "As long as you're satisfied. I don't care how I feel!"
<Obsolete Meat> "My voice will be suppressed, disappear without a trace. It can be a fetter on the waiter. No matter how much thought you put into it, it's as good as trash from the other side." <Obsolete Meat> "To the God of the Eclipsing Tendency, The slave who serves the same tastes again. "As long as you're satisfied. I don't care how I feel!"