Official YouTube - Uroš Nikšić
Gravedigger on Playstation 5 and all gamong paltforms :)
Srpsko- Crnogorski Strastveni obozavaoc,video igara od 2000tih pa na ovamo Old Schooll Gamer
ovo je moj kanal gde cu snimati, sve videje novijih igara a bogami i starijih
Posedujem i Xbox X, Playstation 5 i PC tako da ocekujte svasta nesto, mozda bude i kamere jednog dana ali za sada cu samo igrati i pomalo komentarisati :)
Montenegro - Serbian Passionate fan of video games since the 2000s and now Old School Gamer
this is my channel where I will record, all the videos of newer games and, by God, older ones as well
I own both a Xbox X and Playstation 5 and a PC, so expect all kinds of things, maybe there will be a camera one day, but for now I'll just play and comment a bit :)