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Enter the Cawdverse

743 subscribers - no pronouns set

I do visual effects for feature films and television! You ma

Enter the Cawdverse
2 weeks ago - 21 likes

Lorne’s lawyer responds to the state’s rejection to get off supervised probation.

According to the document, Lorne’s significant other and child have visited the trailer of failure unsupervised. Under no circumstances should a child have been permitted to be inside that filthy crumbling trash heap with an RSO. How this was allowed to occur is beyond me.

Enter the Cawdverse
2 weeks ago - 16 likes

Some amusing AI Chat Summary highlights I grabbed from tonight's SWC stream with ‪@thelorneidentity‬

Enter the Cawdverse
4 weeks ago - 53 likes

DENIED. Fuck you, Lorne 🖕

Enter the Cawdverse
3 months ago - 48 likes

Just wanted to stawp by and say hey! It's been a minute and I hope everyone is well (except Lorne). I've been sitting on some cool unfinished Lorne projects that I'm anxious to complete, but now that work has finally picked up again following the writers strike, spare time has been hard to come by. In the meantime, revisiting old streams has been perfect background entertainment and oddly nostalgic, which is a term I'd never thought I'd use in this context.. yet here we are. Be well!


Enter the Cawdverse
5 months ago - 9 likes

"Get on the ground!"

Enter the Cawdverse
6 months ago - 17 likes

Take notes Lorne, this is how a cooking show is done

Enter the Cawdverse
6 months ago - 93 likes

Lorne 2.0 now in HD, with his decrepit ugly face in full detail. Nobody asked for it, but here ya go

Enter the Cawdverse
7 months ago - 93 likes

Happy New RSO Photo Day! 🎉 Looking rough as ever. Hope he's as miserable as he looks.

Enter the Cawdverse
8 months ago - 97 likes

Just realized we passed 500 subs 🎉 Thank yew all for being here. You're very speshul

Enter the Cawdverse
8 months ago - 27 likes

Happy Lornemas everyone 🎉 Was really hoping to have the new video I’ve been working on ready today, but no such luck. Planning on dropping it later this week. In the meantime, hoping you all enjoy today and Lorne does not.
