WOD Nation is the brain child birthed from the sordid affair between one man and his love of cross training.
After training for years in gyms and boxes around the world, it became pretty clear that using high quality, durable equipment was the way to go. Unfortunately, many facilities were ill-equipped or at best, stocked with low quality items.
As a fellow athlete this seemed like the perfect opportunity to create a product that would not only stand the test of time, but improve overall athletic performance.
So, in 2013 the WOD Nation community was born and since then it has grown from just a few like-minded athletes to well over 169K.
Though our community continues to grow rapidly, one thing has and will never change; our mission to design and provide the absolute best products to support the athletes of WOD Nation.
WOD Nation is the brain child birthed from the sordid affair between one man and his love of cross training.
After training for years in gyms and boxes around the world, it became pretty clear that using high quality, durable equipment was the way to go. Unfortunately, many facilities were ill-equipped or at best, stocked with low quality items.
As a fellow athlete this seemed like the perfect opportunity to create a product that would not only stand the test of time, but improve overall athletic performance.
So, in 2013 the WOD Nation community was born and since then it has grown from just a few like-minded athletes to well over 169K.
Though our community continues to grow rapidly, one thing has and will never change; our mission to design and provide the absolute best products to support the athletes of WOD Nation.