I try to upload all official opening credits/intro of all TV-shows with serial-concept.
That means:
'All TV-series with COMPLET continuous storylines that evolve from episode one through to the last episode! The TV-shows such as 'Supernatural', 'Grey's Anatomy' or 'Bones' are not really serial. Because those tv-shows have case/monster/-of-week-concept and therefore not 100% serial!'
So I'll upload only all Intros' TV-Shows with serial-concept.
My 'TV-shows with continuous storylines / Ongoing-plot TV-shows'-list on IMDB: www.imdb.com/list/ls040400355/
The list is always updated and the multiple titles will be added to the list as soon as I have watched such series.
The update date and which title I just added is also there under description.