Daily life, no cuts, no edits, no filters… no hair
New videos every day at 17:45 UK time
Email for enquiries is goldmanunedited@gmail.com
I simply offer a slice of life, and unedited, unfiltered opinion, possibly a solution or two for problems that many of us face and I’d like to foster a community of people that simply help each other.
I have no course to sell, no crypto coin to promote, I’m simply wanting to level everyone up so that we are equipped to survive in these tough times.
I work, I side-hustle, I have a family and I am on an ongoing journey to seek out the betterment of ones self, and for me, it’s health first always.
Also I have many questions myself, I seek answers, and treat every day as a learning day :)
Let's level each other up and be better to our fellow humans.. :)
Real talk, real life, and no flannel.
Goldman, Peace out :)
Daily life, no cuts, no edits, no filters… no hair
New videos every day at 17:45 UK time
Email for enquiries is goldmanunedited@gmail.com
I simply offer a slice of life, and unedited, unfiltered opinion, possibly a solution or two for problems that many of us face and I’d like to foster a community of people that simply help each other.
I have no course to sell, no crypto coin to promote, I’m simply wanting to level everyone up so that we are equipped to survive in these tough times.
I work, I side-hustle, I have a family and I am on an ongoing journey to seek out the betterment of ones self, and for me, it’s health first always.
Also I have many questions myself, I seek answers, and treat every day as a learning day :)
Let's level each other up and be better to our fellow humans.. :)
Real talk, real life, and no flannel.
Goldman, Peace out :)