When I met a mother who had lost her children to the system do to a handful of incompetent caseworkers blatantly violating procedures and constitutional laws. I learned quickly that the reason so many of these botched cases exist in my area was due to an even further incompetent management. I felt this was unacceptable for a service designed to be responsible for our CHILDRENS welfare. I took a stance. Before I knew it, we became the targets of retaliation by the "bad actors" in our local "good old boy network". They even went as far as to send a violent swat team through our door with a fake warrant! Not only did we suffer huge property loss and damages, but I was violently beaten and my girlfriend's SPINE was fractured by out of control officers involved in a media organization where officials are abusing the process to gather content for television! Watch as we unfold our story and expose corruption by practicing our 1A while gathering case reports.gofund.me/3212340e
When I met a mother who had lost her children to the system do to a handful of incompetent caseworkers blatantly violating procedures and constitutional laws. I learned quickly that the reason so many of these botched cases exist in my area was due to an even further incompetent management. I felt this was unacceptable for a service designed to be responsible for our CHILDRENS welfare. I took a stance. Before I knew it, we became the targets of retaliation by the "bad actors" in our local "good old boy network". They even went as far as to send a violent swat team through our door with a fake warrant! Not only did we suffer huge property loss and damages, but I was violently beaten and my girlfriend's SPINE was fractured by out of control officers involved in a media organization where officials are abusing the process to gather content for television! Watch as we unfold our story and expose corruption by practicing our 1A while gathering case reports.gofund.me/3212340e