Hi, my name is Daniel Misko, I enjoy making stuff, I hope to inspire you to make something on your own.
Do not attempt anything simply because you saw it in one of my videos.If you have any uncertainty before performing any procedure, stop and learn a safer method.
Before using any hand or power tool with which you are unfamiliar, consult its operating instructions, and if necessary, seek instruction by a qualified person well versed in its operation and appropriate safety techniques.
These videos are intended for entertainment and inspiration only.
Hi, my name is Daniel Misko, I enjoy making stuff, I hope to inspire you to make something on your own.
Do not attempt anything simply because you saw it in one of my videos.If you have any uncertainty before performing any procedure, stop and learn a safer method.
Before using any hand or power tool with which you are unfamiliar, consult its operating instructions, and if necessary, seek instruction by a qualified person well versed in its operation and appropriate safety techniques.
These videos are intended for entertainment and inspiration only.