Welcome to Anime Pug! Enjoy different clips from different anime airing this season and from the previous ones. Let's also vibe with the music and discuss everything about the media has to offer. Basically, just enjoy anime.
ă˘ăăĄăă°ă¸ăăăăďźäťăˇăźăşăłćžéăăăŚăăăăžăăžăŞă˘ăăĄă¨ĺăŽă˘ăăĄăŽăăžăăžăŞăŻăŞăăăă漽ăăżăă ăăăăžăăéłćĽ˝ăŤč§ŚăăŚăăĄăăŁă˘ăćäžăăăăšăŚăŽăă¨ăŤă¤ăăŚčŠąăĺăăžăăăăĺşćŹçăŤăŻă˘ăăĄă漽ăăă ăă§ăă
Welcome to Anime Pug! Enjoy different clips from different anime airing this season and from the previous ones. Let's also vibe with the music and discuss everything about the media has to offer. Basically, just enjoy anime.
ă˘ăăĄăă°ă¸ăăăăďźäťăˇăźăşăłćžéăăăŚăăăăžăăžăŞă˘ăăĄă¨ĺăŽă˘ăăĄăŽăăžăăžăŞăŻăŞăăăă漽ăăżăă ăăăăžăăéłćĽ˝ăŤč§ŚăăŚăăĄăăŁă˘ăćäžăăăăšăŚăŽăă¨ăŤă¤ăăŚčŠąăĺăăžăăăăĺşćŹçăŤăŻă˘ăăĄă漽ăăă ăă§ăă