Eph;5:19 Speak to each other in psalms,hymns,spiritual songs & make music to the Lord.
Our journey began in the church of Pur Fazal Kalisia Pak. Pstr Pervaiz Sohail helped us grow spiritually within the church. Affiliated with New Frontiers Church UK, Pstr David Davenish visited our church & while praying, he prophesied that the youth of this church will sing, play, create & compose songs of worship to praise God.
After this prophecy we were blessed with Holy Spirit and so through this blessing, I started to sing, my brother Rabi started playing the keyboard & it was also the beginning of my uncle Atif Gill writing and composing songs of praise.
I would just like to bring forward to you that this is not a form of flaunting our talents. Nobody taught us anything related to music. These are all gifts of the Holy Spirit given through a prophesy.
We moved to London, UK & joined Morning Star church led by Pstr Subhash Gill. Ever since, he has been teaching us new things & encouraging us.