What IS transcends both space and time: and it is upon this very recognition, precisely, that authentic ontology rests.
~ Wolfgang Smith (Catholic)
Sirisys referred to “she” not having the constraints of space and time. Who is She?
Aeviternal realm.
The integral cosmos is ontologically tripartite
Between the pre-temporal wholeness and the spatio-temporal world, there exists a domain subject to the bound of time but not of space; and ***disqualifies Einsteinian*** physics at a single stroke.
In distinguishing between “time” and “space,” the existence of a universal temporal “now”is affirmed***which the Einsteinian construct of “space-time” rules out***
The “ego sum qui sum” of Exodus 3:14 makes this clear. Moses had asked by what “name” God is to be known…the answer received:
“I am who am”
Not that the cosmos shares in the eternity of God, but only that, on its highest plane, it likewise transcends the flux of time. referred to as #aeviternity. (Flux capacitor S curve?)