MIND GUIDE channel helps you with your day-to-day ups and downs. Almost everyone faces issues in family, office, and in society, that may mask your happiness. In general, the tools to handle these situations are not taught anywhere.
I am a counselling psychologist, with enormous interest in such issues. Being a retired member of the Indian Forest Service, I have huge real life experience in dealing with people and working out solutions to problems, related to behaviour, mind, and lifestyle with the help of positive psychology.
Having done my post -graduation in Psychology, now, I am a counselling Psychologist. My passion for this field, my reading on this subject, and my vast experience of around 40 years in managing people, keep telling me that I must share my knowledge and expertise with society to improve the quality of life and happiness quotient in the society.
B.C.Nigam, IFS(Retired)
Counselling Psychologist