A channel which helps people all over world realistically to come out of all mind, attitude, financial, relationship, spiritual, sexual problems and also help people achieve mega success in personal and professional life . Dr.Prabhakaran's vision is to make people all over the world successfuly, peacefully and happily. So as fans of Dr.Prabhakaran, let us viral videos of Dr.Prabhakaran and help people all over the world. Remember bad things spread easily due to people predominantly being negative. But good things can spread only if we consciously decide to do so. Dr.Prabhakaran videos are available both in English and Tamil. Let us live Successfully, Happily & Blissfully. To know more about Dr.Prabhakaran visit, www.mindandsoulcareclinic.com, www.subconsciousmindpower-successcoach.com,9840097530