Mufti Muhammad Ali Johar is in the company of Sheikh-Ul-Alam Mehboob ul Ulamaa wa Sulhaa Peer.E.Tareeqat Rehbar.E.Shariat Hazrat Peer Zulfiqar Ahmed Naqshbandi DB for 12 years.
He is a qualified Islamic scholar. He pursued an intensive full-time study of the classical disciplines of Islamic learning (known as Dars-e-Nizami) and was awarded formal certifications as an ‘Aaim’ certifying him to teach the disciplines of QURAN, Tafsir, Hadith, Arabic Grammar & Linguistics, Beliefs & Creed, and Islamic Law & Legal Theory (Fiqh, Usool & Mantaq).
He completed his Takhasus fil Fiqh from Darul Uloom Yaseen-Ul-QURAN under the supervision of Hazrat Mufti Najm-ul-Hasan Amrohi (DB) and was formally certified as “Mufti” (Authorization to give Fatwah – (Legal Opinion)).
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