We believe the Bride is having her revival and it is a return in word and deed of the seed that William Branham planted! We believe the Bride's revival is that 'short quick message' (the voice), a resurrection message that brings the dead out of the ground and immortalises the living! For more information/ Messages, email mwaperobam@gmail.com. We believe this Message as revealed to William Branham and taught by Lee Vayle.
We believe the Bride is having her revival and it is a return in word and deed of the seed that William Branham planted! We believe the Bride's revival is that 'short quick message' (the voice), a resurrection message that brings the dead out of the ground and immortalises the living! For more information/ Messages, email mwaperobam@gmail.com. We believe this Message as revealed to William Branham and taught by Lee Vayle.