BismillahirRahmanirRahim and Assalammualaikum. First of all just want to let you know that Arabic and English are not my 1st speaking language and I would like to apologize in advance if my pronounciation is not clear and my story telling in not up to your standard. I will try to perfect it as much as I can as the time go by, Insha Allah.
My intention of making this YouTube Channel is to share some stories that I research online, as well as from YouTube that are interesting. But majority of the stories that I read and watch are not in english language, and I personally feel that it's a shame not many people know about these stories and I really believe that it needs to be told and share amongst all of us.
May we receive mercy from Allah SWT and also receive guidance to gather sufficient supplies so that we are safe and comfortable in Mahsyar facing Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
I will try my best to upload at least 1 video per week, Insha Allah.
Jazakallahu Khair.