My whole life I have been trying to figure out the age old question: "Why am I here?"
At this point in my life, I have come to conclusion, I am here to help people. I have come to find out that all my life's experiences thus far, have brought me to this moment. Every moment I thought was bad or devistating, was a moment I could learn from. I am who I am today because of everything I have been through. I have been at the bottom, I have been at the depths of despair. But I found a way out, and I will try my very best, to help you find your way out, if you are in that place.
I have learned that every single person in this world can teach us something. I have learned that sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction. I have learned to have an open mind. To listen to what is before me. But to also do my own research, to come to my own conclusions. To do and see things with my own hands and eyes.
It is my hope that I can provoke thought, to instill the desire to seek truth and knowledge.