Welcome everyone. Here you'll find match reports of the Mighty Millers... that's Rotherham United to the uninitiated! As well as (when I can get there to lend my voice) the equally Mighty Rotherham United Womens Football Club and the heavy hitters of Parkgate FC!
Alongside match reports and the odd bit of random stuff on this channel, you can also find uploads of (mostly) Christian Snark to hopefully uplift, edify and possibly outrage you on our sister channel @TheWeekInFaith . Feel free over there to message or comment with any prayer requests etc that you may have. I'm 'traditional' Church of England but all are welcome there... Please be respectful of each other.
This is a family friendly channel and all comments are held for review so please try and keep it clean and kind! God bless and UTM... and UTBM... and UTG!