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Gulf Coast Butterfly Gardening

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Hey, yā€™all! Thanks for watching my videos! Iā€™m so glad to ge


Hey, yā€™all! Thanks for watching my videos! Iā€™m so glad to get to invite you into my garden and share what God is doing in it. Iā€™m on the Alabama Gulf Coast in zone 9a. When I plant new plants I tell them, ā€œWell, itā€™s up to you and God now! Yā€™allā€™ve gotta want to live!ā€ Itā€™s no wonder that God put Adam and Eve in a garden. Where else would He have put them? There are two places where I feel closest to God and thatā€™s at the beach and in the garden, and that explains why I love those two places so dearly! Iā€™ve been raising butterflies for seven years and Iā€™ve been gardening for that long too. My garden has mostly consisted of random plants in containers, but in February 2021 my husband installed a rose arbor in the backyard. Now Iā€™m doing everything that I can to attract as many butterflies as possible. I want clouds of them, and I want to encourage others to plant for butterflies too. Thereā€™s so much joy and hope to be found in the garden!

Your Gardening Friend,