Hi guys and girls. Television and films are not only two of the most important cultural forms (maybe the most important), but they are among the most talked about. For me watching and discussing them is a great passion and the thing I love the most. So I decided it was about time I started a Youtube Channel to promote this passion, share it with others, and to hear what others think.
This channel is mostly going to be a spin-off from my film and TV blog which I can be found here cultrants.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/twin-peaks-return…
It will include video versions of my reviews of such shows as Buffy, Twin Peaks and The West Wing. Plus some cult film reviews, some recent films, and some classics, plus the odd opinion video, and some classic mix or fan video. At some point I will look to do a channel to go along with my weekly film show on Beyond Radio.
Thanks, enjoy the ride, and I look forward to hearing from some of you in the future.
Bored Now.