in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
hey guys!!!
I hope you guys are enjoying the most recent video!
now that we've hit the halfway mark on the 6 month challenge, I've been really thinking about what other kinds of videos I want to post in combination with and after this challenge is done, and I was having a hard time figuring out if the ideas I was excited about would be things you guys were even interested in.
So, I thought it would be fun to open the floor to see if you guys had anything you wanted to see, would find interesting, or any trends you would want me to do! Think of this as an open space to add any idea you want. No idea is a bad one, and they all help me figure out what to post next and what direction you guys would enjoy! Love you guys!
229 - 33
hey everyoneeee!
new video coming out tomorrow!! it's a halfway point check in of the 6 month life change series so its long as hell (like 50 mins long) so I'm thinking about cutting it I wanted to check what you guys think! Would you all watch a video that long or would you prefer a shorter but more fast-paced one?
65 - 8
hi everyone!! the video is ready and scheduled, i’m just waiting to hear back from some brand deal stuff 👀
it should be up by tomorrow morning! i promise we will be back on schedule after this LOL thank you guys for bearing with me
218 - 8
hi everyone!!
i’ll be posting a new episode of the 6 month challenge wednesday, i’m so sorry for how long it’s been taking!
however i wanted to quickly get on here and talk about the fires in LA. As you all know, I’ve been living in LA for the past 5-6 years. So many of my friends and people I know have had to evacuate, and there’s genuinely so much devastation that i genuinely can’t even fathom.
many people have lost their homes, their pets, their loved ones, and rebuilding all of that is an extraordinarily hard task, especially for the people who have been working to build and keep their homes for generations.
please stay safe, stay aware and if you have to go outside please WEAR A MASK!! the smoke and ash and toxins currently in the air can cause awful things 10-15 years in the future, like lung cancer!! and if you’re asked to evacuate, please do!! your life is what’s most important.
if you’ve been affected by the fires, here is a list of resources that can help:…
if you are able to help in any way, by donating to gofundme’s, volunteering, or even donating clothes or buying items that people need, i’ll link some resources below:
donate to la’s fire department:
affected people’s gofundme’s that have less than 20% of their goals reached:…
a list of other organizations taking donations and other resources!:…
in times like this it’s also super important to also recognize that LA is not just celebrities and influencers, and there are thousands and thousands of working class people who have been impacted by the fires and are having to now start from scratch, as well as people who have no friends/family homes to evacuate too, plus all of the unhoused people who have literally nowhere to go and are constantly being exposed to the toxic air and all of the health issues that come with that, so let’s please stay empathetic!!
372 - 6
hello friends! a bit of a delay on the video because i was rear ended by a drunk driver (i’m totally okay our car is just quite a bit messed up) and my new hard drive is just not working but she will be up soon i promiseee the universe just doesn’t want me to put out videos for some reason LOL (also thank you guys for 20k!) hope yall have a great new year ❤️ pls stay safe out there!!
763 - 31
hi guys!! im trying to narrow down some ideas for videos to do in between the challenges, and wanted to see what you guys would be interested in!! this week's video is already planned but these would be for future uploads 👀👀
74 - 4
the people have spoken (and most of yall told me to do whatever i want LOL) but the SECOND most votes was to cancel the japan video and full focus on the next episode of the challenge, so thats what im gonna do!! No video this week friends but a extra fun challenge episode next week :) thank you guys for all your support so far ❤️
354 - 10
hi everyone!
i want to do some more cool/fun stuff for episode 3, but if i do all the additions, its going to take a lot longer than the other episodes to film (lol), so I would either need to not do a video this week (which would be a video i filmed while in japan), delay the episode, or both. I want to put out fun stuff for you guys to follow along to, but I also don't want to skip weeks so idkkkk let me know what you think! :)
45 - 1
new episode of the 6 month challenge every 2 weeks! :)
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tiktok: @kiaraivola
ig: @kiaraivola
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