Welcome to the maniac channel that got a metal detector to hand. Yes, you will try this hobby once and find out how easily you can become addicted to it. It happened to me, and after 30 years, coins, artifacts and buttons replaced my ex hobby of fishing. Every week, I try to bring you closer to my adventure through videos that I hope will be intresting for you.
Join me also on:
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/zerotreasurehunter
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/zerotreasurehunter
And if you want to go to our Channel facebook group you can find: Zero Treasure Hunter
And if you will donate me and you like shopping on Aliexpress like me. Just use this link before you shopp. You wil be normaly on Aliexpress but i will get some money from your orders:
All money will be used for grow this channel and surprise for you!
Thank you all
I will metal detecting until i DIE!